hydroxyapatite toothpaste for kids

five ways to build healthy oral care habits early with kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste

five ways to build healthy oral care habits early with kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste

We know that kids don’t always jump for joy when it’s time to brush their teeth, but we’re here to offer support, suggestions, and amazing products to make kids oral care feel easier!

In celebration of our brand NEW orange + vanilla hydroxyapatite toothpaste for kids + adults, we’re sharing our top five ways to build healthy oral care habits early. We hope these tips inspire you to make your oral care routine a fun family affair, enjoying the delicious flavor and incredible long-term benefits of our newest addition.

1: introduce kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste early

You’ve probably heard that fluoride is essential for kids oral care. This is because fluoride is proven to remineralize teeth and help prevent cavities, which is especially important for children developing healthy teeth (and proper oral care habits).

At the same time, young children don’t have full control over swallowing, so they can swallow large amounts of toothpaste. This isn’t great because you’ll notice that fluoride toothpastes contain the message, “Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.”

This is where kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste swoops in to provide effective remineralization without the worry. Recent scientific studies and reviews have shown that nano-hydroxyapatite can effectively remineralize enamel the same as (if not better than) fluoride, but it’s non-toxic. In other words, it offers the same benefits without the poison control warning…what could be better?

When you introduce nano-hydroxyapatite at an early age, it can start working its remineralizing magic during those early formative years.

2: lead by example

Check out our previous article, our top five tips for becoming your children's oral health role model. One new, effective way you can lead by example is by using our orange + vanilla hydroxyapatite toothpaste for kids + adults! When your little ones see that you’re using the same paste as them (twice daily for two minutes each time), they might be more inclined to do the same. You can also explain the following benefits of our adult + kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste.

  • juicy mouthwatering natural flavor: this one speaks for itself once you try it!
  • nano-hydroxyapatite superpowers: this tasty orange + vanilla toothpaste contains special hydroxyapatite particles that grab onto your teeth and strengthen them from the inside out. They give your teeth a daily dose of essential minerals to form a “shield” against the bad guys (bacteria, acids, microorganisms, and plaque).
  • safe + clean ingredients: you can tell your little ones that our kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste avoids fluoride and SLS, two ingredients that are known to cause irritation and unwanted side effects in some cases.
  • recyclable metal tube: as a family, you’re avoiding contributing to the 1+ billion plastic toothpaste tubes that end up in American landfills every year!
  • 98% USA-origin ingredients: many toothpaste brands say that their toothpaste is made in the USA even when they source their ingredients from overseas. Our kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste (and all of our toothpastes for that matter) contain 98% USA-origin ingredients, and these ingredients are always of premium quality.
  • it’s a USDA-certified biobased product: this means that our kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste avoids conventional petroleum-derived ingredients but performs as well (if not better) than its petroleum-containing counterparts. This makes our orange + vanilla toothpaste a better option for you, your little ones, and the planet!

You know what they say, “Monkey see, monkey do.” The best way to lead by example is to stay on top of your own oral care routine!

3: make brushing fun

Make brushing a fun family affair with these tips.

  • try to sync your schedules: can you make brushing a group effort instead of just telling them it’s time to brush?
  • add music and dancing: can you pick a new two-minute song each week for your brushing routine?
  • make it a game or story: together, you can pretend that bacteria and plaque are bad guys coming to take over the town (aka the mouth), and your toothbrush and toothpaste (specifically those nano-hydroxyapatite particles) are superheroes working together to save the day.
  • use matching toothbrushes: like our bamboo toothbrush which is easy to hold, gentle on your mouth, and good for the planet.

We know it’s easier said than done, but finding the fun in brushing can make it seem like less of a chore and more of a bonding experience.

4: educate about proper technique and habits

Let’s get crafty! When it comes to brushing, many kids have trouble retaining instructions that are simply told to them. This is why crafts and other visual cues can be so helpful. Here are a few fun, creative ways to educate your little ones about proper brushing techniques to get the most out of their kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste.

  • make a marshmallow diorama: in this article, you can see a photo of the finished product. Once you create the marshmallow mouth, you can show your little ones proper brushing and flossing techniques, covering the entire surface of each tooth. Show them the crevices between their teeth, so they can visualize how bacteria and plaque can build up in certain hard-to-reach places.
  • use watercolors to show how cavities spread: draw some teeth on a piece of white paper, and have them use some watercolors on each tooth. As the colors bleed and take over the drawn tooth, explain that cavities can spread and worsen if not addressed. Explain how Davids orange + vanilla kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste can create a “shield” on the surface of the tooth to combat damage and stop cavities in their tracks.
  • scrub “plaque” off a hard-boiled egg: this scrubbing experiment can show your kids just how important daily brushing is. It involves soaking hard-boiled eggs in different solutions to see how it affects the white outer surface. Have them make predictions about which liquids will have the worst effect on the egg. After soaking them overnight, have them use a toothbrush to scrub off the “damage,” and they’ll notice that some liquids (like soft drinks) are harder to scrub off than others.
  • have them draw and shade their own mouth: take a photo of their mouth wide open and invite them to recreate their own mouth in a drawing. By drawing and shading their teeth, gums, and tongue, you can explain the function of each and how kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste can help protect each part of their mouth.
  • make a scrapbook of healthy and unhealthy foods: cut out some mouth-friendly and unfriendly foods and separate them into those categories. Have them make a collage to remember which ones help create strong teeth and which ones can cause problems.

Instead of just telling your little ones things that are good/bad for their teeth, these craft projects can give them a visual representation and help them retain the information in the long run.

5: reward and reinforce

We like to reserve positive reinforcements for special occasions (so they don’t get too used to prizes), but maybe you can offer an extra trip to the park or a new light-up toothbrush when your little ones stay on top of their oral care routine.

To reinforce healthy habits, we recommend stocking up on our NEW orange + vanilla hydroxyapatite toothpaste for kids + adults.

buy now.

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three reasons to smile about kids hydroxyapatite toothpaste
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