best foods for dry mouth

the best and worst foods for dry mouth and how Davids can help

the best and worst foods for dry mouth and how Davids can help

Did you know that roughly one in four adults suffers from dry mouth? While this statistic obviously isn’t ideal, it can be nice to know that you’re not alone in your dry mouth experience!

To make your life a little bit easier during a dry mouth spell, we’re sharing some of the best and worst foods for dry mouth, and how our natural toothpaste can help you find relief.

symptoms of dry mouth and their impacts

The symptoms of dry mouth might seem obvious, but their impacts are far-reaching.

The most common/obvious symptom of dry mouth is that “cotton mouth” feeling, but other symptoms include trouble swallowing, cracked, dry lips, a rough tongue, sore throat, burning in the mouth, and an unquenchable “thirst” feeling.

The impacts of dry mouth extend beyond these symptoms, too. When your mouth is dry, it gives bacteria more opportunity to fester and deposit harmful acids in your mouth. This can lead to perpetual bad breath, tooth decay, gum recession, gum disease, oral thrush, mouth sores, and infections.

The good news is that the occasional dry mouth is typically easily treatable. Let’s dive into which foods worsen dry mouth and which ones can actually help it. (If you find that your dry mouth persists, consult your dental professional to come up with a plan of action.)

worst foods for dry mouth

If you’ve ever had dry mouth, you know how important it is to tailor your routine to relieve your symptoms. Below you’ll find some of the worst foods for dry mouth, so be sure to avoid these!

  • sugary drinks and snacks: a dry mouth is already the perfect place for bacteria to fester, and sugary snacks and drinks can further feed the bad bacteria in your mouth. This might lead to more acid deposits that can harm your enamel and lead to tooth decay.
  • super salty foods: salt can pull even more moisture out of your mouth, causing your mouth to feel even drier. Be sure to make most of your meals at home when you have a dry mouth so that you can control the amount of salt in your food!
  • spicy foods: your dry mouth is going to feel very sensitive, so spicy foods might “hurt” more than normal. You won’t have enough saliva to keep the spice moving along instead of just sitting on your taste buds.
  • acidic foods: vinegar, sour candies, citrus fruits, and beyond can cause harm to your dry mouth. Without enough saliva, the acid will remain stagnant in your mouth, breaking down your enamel.
  • hard, rough, or foods: of course, dry foods are going to be harder to eat with a dry mouth. Avoid things like crackers and bread, as well as hard foods like nuts, pretzels, and hard candies that can further damage your enamel.
  • chewy meats: chewy meats are already hard to break down with a healthy mouth. Your jaw and saliva have to work really hard to break these down enough to swallow, and when you have dry mouth, you simply don’t have enough saliva to help aid the process.
  • caffeine and alcohol: these two have been shown to further decrease saliva production, so it’s safe to stay away from them when you’re dealing with dry mouth.

While this isn’t a food, tobacco is also horrible for dry mouth, as it also further reduces saliva production. For the sake of your oral care, stay away from tobacco altogether!

best foods for dry mouth

Now that we’ve covered what not to do, here are a few of the best foods for dry mouth.

  • liquidy foods: such as broths, sauces, and nut butters can add so much flavor and moisture to your meals when you’re dealing with dry mouth
  • tender meats: such as fish and chicken are perfect for dry mouth, and you can even opt for ground meats to ensure it’s easy to chew and digest.
  • soft foods: such as mashed potatoes, oatmeal, and cooked vegetables are filling and full of fiber and nutrients to support a healthy oral microbiome
  • smoothies: these can be a great choice when you have a dry mouth! Just be sure to watch the sugar content and use a base such as a nut milk or water.
  • xylitol chewing gum: xylitol (an ingredient in our natural toothpaste) is known to stimulate saliva production. If you need relief throughout the day, it might be a good idea to keep xylitol chewing gum on hand to provide some much-needed moisture.

As a general rule of thumb, opt for cool, liquidy (unprocessed) foods and drinks and eat small meals throughout the day. And don’t forget to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! All of these tips will give your mouth a break while allowing you to still feel fueled and energized throughout the day.

best toothpaste for dry mouth

It’s no secret that we think Davids is the best toothpaste for dry mouth. While we might be biased, our ingredients are not! Our intentional ingredients are known to stimulate saliva production, strengthen your enamel, and provide tooth sensitivity relief...all of which are extra important when you’re dealing with dry mouth. Let’s take a look at a few of these awesome ingredients.

  • vegetable glycerin: glycerin ​​is a humectant that naturally activates your saliva glands and moistens your mouth. While many conventional self-care products contain glycerin derived from animal fat, ours comes from plants!
  • birch xylitol: as mentioned above, xylitol is a natural plant-derived sweetener known to stimulate saliva production.
  • baking soda and premium natural mint oils: these two work together to help neutralize the bacteria in your oral microbiome, which are worsened by dry mouth and can lead to bad breath.
  • nano-hydroxyapatite: this revolutionary ingredient is known to remineralize your enamel from the inside out, plugging any existing “holes” and filling any scratches or imperfections to relieve sensitivity in a natural way.

Because your mouth is so vulnerable when dealing with dry mouth, it’s important to give it a little extra TLC. One of the easiest, most effective ways to do that is to add Davids to your daily routine!

buy now.

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