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swish smarter: why you should choose hydroxyapatite mouthwash over bright bottles
best hydroxyapatite mouthwash

swish smarter: why you should choose hydroxyapatite mouthwash over bright bottles

When it comes to oral health, we’ll be the first to tell you that a strong daily routine can make all the difference. While brushing, flossing, and tongue scraping are essential, there’s one more s...

hydroxyapatitehave an appetite for hydroxyapatite? get to know five popular products

have an appetite for hydroxyapatite? get to know five popular products

It’s no secret that hydroxyapatite is an out-of-this-world ingredient. Developed by NASA, tested by countless scientists, labs, and dental professionals, and taking the dental world by storm (for g...

does mouthwash workdoes mouthwash work? how natural mouthwash wipes out the competition

does mouthwash work? how natural mouthwash wipes out the competition

Do you ever feel like your brushing, flossing, and tongue-scraping routine isn’t quite enough? We know how it feels to crave the cleanest, freshest mouth you can possibly achieve. You don’t want to...