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small tool, big impact: brushing up on the eco-benefits of bamboo toothbrushes
bamboo toothbrush

small tool, big impact: brushing up on the eco-benefits of bamboo toothbrushes

You’ve heard that bamboo toothbrushes are better for the environment, but do you know exactly why? Of course, at face value, bamboo seems better than plastic. It’s natural, it’s biodegradable, and ...

cruelty free toothpasteearth month moments: five of our favorite ways to (oral) care for the planet

earth month moments: five of our favorite ways to (oral) care for the planet

On behalf of the Davids team, Happy Earth Month! It’s one of our favorite months, as our love for sustainability feels shared and echoed worldwide. On Earth Day (April 22nd), over 1 billion people ...

causes of jaw clenchinghow to relieve jaw tension and protect your teeth with hydroxyapatite toothpaste

how to relieve jaw tension and protect your teeth with hydroxyapatite toothpaste

Take this moment to pause for a deep breath. Let your mind tune inward and scan your body. Are your shoulders tense? Are your stomach muscles tight? Is your jaw clenched? If you answered yes to any...

best oral care routinebright smiles blooming: a spring clean for your best oral care routine

bright smiles blooming: a spring clean for your best oral care routine

It’s that time of year again! As spring brightens up the world around us with its fresh blossoms and rejuvenating sunshine, it’s only natural to feel inspired to brighten up your daily routine. We ...

hydroxyapatite whiteningshine bright this spring with natural teeth whitening that soothes your smile, too

shine bright this spring with natural teeth whitening that soothes your smile, too

Spring is right around the corner, and we want to help you shine as bright as the blossoming world around you! You know we share a deep love for nature, so of course, we prefer to take the natural ...